The Intandem Administrative Team reviews a set of metrics every Thursday regarding the level of COVID cases in our communities to gauge any need for changes in our operations.
This week (12/04/2020), the Administrative Team has reviewed COVID-related health metrics and has determined the following:
Because the region continues to receive high positive test rates, the following protocol will remain in place.
- Intandem residences will be closed to outside visitors (except for those that are medically necessary). Community outings and home visits will be curtailed.
- Individuals from the community (not living in Intandem residences) currently attending Day Habilitation and Pre-Vocational programming will continue to do so. Individuals living in Intandem residences will continue to receive habilitation services in-home.
- Please email any questions about this protocol to
Additional Helpful Links
NYS Arc COVID-19 Resources
U.S. Department of Labor: Employee Paid Leave Rights